Remaking "Wanna Go?"
Posted by Amy Bolin on 7th Mar 2016
Once upon a time, I had an ooold HP computer. Naive in the ways of electronics, I failed to back up my files consistently. I lost a lot of art when that old HP computer crashed. Sigh. That's a hard lesson to learn!
On the bright side, that crash has given me reason to go back and repaint some of my favorite paintings from '03 - '06.
Here is my repaint of "Wanna Go?" A sweet little sheltie that's super eager to go for his daily walk.
The original painting looked like this:
Adorable! But I couldn't get a good print from this.
So, here we go! Painting a woodblock in my old black outline cartoony style.
I used to ALWAYS start with a solid black background and leave a chunky black outline around my doggies. (sorry for the blur!)
When painting this way, I always finished the dog and then went in a filled in a background around him.
Zombie Sheltie!
Once I was happy with the pup, I would go back and fill in the background. Sometimes I had no idea what the background would be until I reached this point!
This little fella had a tile checker floor
And here he is, all finished up:
This little wood block is now on eBay